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By Inge Bremer
Aug 13, 20243 min read
Disrupters to the Rescue?
Dave told us that last year he had been in despair about the lack of action taken, but now sees hope.

Cliff Mail
Jul 8, 20240 min read
A damaged earth but not a broken one: A public talk by Climate Scientist Prof Dave Lowe
Award winning climate scientist and author Prof Dave Lowe is giving a public talk on putting climate into the appropriate context.

By Lindsay Jeffs
Jun 26, 20241 min read
Waiheke Island Climate Action Plans - Roof Top Solar
Climate Plans need meaningful indicators that can measure progress towards achieving their goals. The Waiheke Local Climate Action Plan:...

By Lindsay Jeffs
May 21, 20241 min read
Waiheke Island Climate Action Plans
Climate Plans need meaningful indicators that can measure progress towards achieving their goals.

Cliff Mail
May 14, 20241 min read
Invest your money ethically: Mindful Money has done the research for you!
If you are looking at ways in which you can have an impact on driving sustainable business practices that will lead to better ethic...

Cliff Mail
Nov 23, 20231 min read
We need to talk (about climate change)
How can we engage more people with the basics and urgency of climate change? One of the most powerful actions you can take is simply to...

By Inge Bremer
Oct 30, 20231 min read
Trouble in Paradise Exhibition - Links, Checklist & Carbon Challenge
Here are some helpful links, the Personal Emissions Reduction Checklist and the Carbon Challenge Questionnaire that were showcased at the...

By Inge Bremer
Jun 26, 20231 min read
Evaluating EV's for your vehicle fleet
Most New Zealand businesses which have a fleet of commercial vehicles know they will switch to low emission electric vehicles at some...

Cliff Mail
Mar 11, 20221 min read
Take the Jump: Six lifestyle actions that will save you money and reduce carbon emissions
The image sums it up nicely - simply and doable. If you want more information on the project visit or read this article on .

Shelley Scheepers
Nov 16, 20212 min read
What are the GHGs (greenhouse gases) used in anaesthetics in New Zealand?
New Zealand (NZ) uses two classes of inhaled anaesthetics: nitrous oxide (N2O) and halogenated agents. The most commonly used halogenated...

Rajiv Sondhi
Nov 15, 20211 min read
The Impact of Mandatory Climate-Related Disclosures on major New Zealand businesses
The New Zealand Government has recently introduced legislation to make climate-related disclosures mandatory for large financial...

By Cliff Mail
Jul 25, 20211 min read
It’s time to protect our Natural Ecosystem Carbon Sinks
A Forest and Bird Report released in April of this year highlights the impact of introduced feral browsers and states that their control...

Cliff Mail
Apr 18, 20211 min read
The Climate Action Book
The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum is a large, open group of volunteers dedicated to bringing their communities together to respond to the...

Cliff Mail
Feb 20, 20212 min read
Sequestration secrets of Northland’s coastline
Here in Northland we tend to take for granted the sizeable acreage of subtropical marine habitat such as mangroves, salt marshes and...

Cliff Mail
Feb 14, 20211 min read
A couple of interesting energy articles: one on business solar - one on passive housing
A couple of articles have come to our attention this week related to energy. The first article on Stuff is strongly recommended for those...

Cliff Mail
Jan 28, 20213 min read
Time to talk about personal carbon budgets
You get the feeling that we are all hanging back waiting for the Government to come up with a cunning plan to meet its Paris emissions...

Cliff Mail
Nov 5, 20201 min read
A kiwi guide to climate change
Climate Change NZ has created a simple but effective guide to all aspects of climate change and mitigation, with the context being New...

By Cliff Mail
May 28, 20202 min read
Calculate your carbon emissions for food using NZ data
Increased uptake of plant-based diets in New Zealand could substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions while greatly improving...

By Cliff Mail
Sep 14, 20192 min read
Climate change: Here is what YOU can do!
There is no shortage of news related to climate. Unfortunately most of the commentary is a rather repetitive stream of bad tidings. We...

By Cliff Mail
Aug 11, 20191 min read
Helping to avert the looming crises: tweak your diet and cut food waste
The latest ICCP report on Climate Change and Land that was released this week was a further stark reminder that we are facing a 'perfect...
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