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By Cliff Mail
Jul 14, 20192 min read
What are the emissions of my favourite foods?
How detailed should the calculator be? This was, and still is, one of our biggest challenges with our Carbon Calculator. We decided that...

By Cliff Mail
Jun 29, 20191 min read
Living the Change
'Living the Change' was recently drawn to my attention via an article on Organic NZ which gives a great synopsis of this Kiwi...

By Cliff Mail
May 12, 20193 min read
Your diet may be one of your biggest contributions to climate change
The makeup of my diet is not something that I have paid too much attention to. The thinking part, has been largely confined to ensuring...

By Rod Brown
Mar 28, 20193 min read
CO2e sequestration: Another benefit of Bay of Islands volunteer reforestation projects
The capital cost of planting is a key factor in reforestation. This is where volunteer social enterprises such as Kerikeri's Shade House...

Feb 17, 20191 min read
Kerikeri seminar: “Solar Power: Truth, Lies and Bright Futures”
Carbon Neutral Kerikeri warmly invite you to a free seminar “Solar Power: Truth, Lies and Bright Futures” When: 6:30pm, Wednesday 6th...

By Cliff Mail
Feb 1, 20192 min read
Reducing the need for plastic
A positive start to the year has been the elimination of single use plastic bags for carrying our supermarket supplies home. This change...

By Cliff Mail
Jan 15, 20192 min read
Some (very early) observations on the data collected so far.
The first observation was that a lot of the records did appear to be incomplete. Owners of the household data should review the emissions...

By Cliff Mail
Jan 15, 20192 min read
Now that you know your emissions - start planning on how to reduce them
We have recently added a planning tool to our carbon calculator. You can access it from the first page of the calculator. Click the blue...

Dec 18, 20182 min read
Let's make it a waste free summer!
The Ministry for the Environment has launched a "waste free summer" campaign. They are running a series of short videos to encourage us...

By Inge Bremer
Oct 28, 20182 min read
Bokashi - The compositing solution for small spaces
Bokashi is a form of composting that allows you to compost kitchen scraps of all kinds. This includes meat and dairy products that are...

By Inge Bremer
Oct 8, 20181 min read
Manuka or Kanuka - Which tree should I plant?
Kanuka grows to an average height of 10-15m with a circumference of 15-40 cm while Manuka reaches 6-8m in height and 7-10 cm diameter....

By Lindsay Jeffs
Sep 23, 20183 min read
Reducing your emissions - some actions
So you have seen what your carbon footprint is and now want to take some actions to reduce it. The list that we have compiled is by no...

By Martin Ough Dealy & Cliff Mail
Aug 28, 20183 min read
Carbon from the car: Some suggestions for reducing it
While living in Kerikeri has many advantages, being located in "the Far North" means that most of the places in New Zealand that we want...

Aug 21, 20181 min read
Waste creation: Kiwis are leading the OECD - can Kerikeri and Waiheke change that?
New Zealand has the highest waste emissions per person and is the most waste-emissions-intensive- economy of all members of the OECD and...

By Lindsay Jeffs
Aug 20, 20181 min read
The flights that you take have a big impact on your carbon footprint!
Air travel is one of the most greenhouse gas emitting activities that many people do. As a rule of thumb each individual generates one...

By Inge Bremer
Aug 17, 20181 min read
Does my diet have a carbon impact - You Betcha!
About 50% of our carbon emissions are caused by what we choose to eat, and how much we waste of it. At present about 30% of the food we...

By Inge Bremer
Aug 17, 20182 min read
How much carbon will the trees on my property absorb?
For a long time trees and soil, as well as the oceans, have been doing a marvellous job of keeping things in equilibrium. Then we started...

By Inge Bremer
Aug 17, 20181 min read
Soil is a major store of carbon so turn that waste matter into compost
So far, soil carbon is largely being ignored by climate policy makers and analysts. With regard to CO2 sequestration in soils, organic...
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