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By Inge Bremer
Jun 26, 20231 min read
Evaluating EV's for your vehicle fleet
Most New Zealand businesses which have a fleet of commercial vehicles know they will switch to low emission electric vehicles at some...

Cliff Mail
Oct 26, 20221 min read
A memo from Bill Gates:The state of the energy transition
The world still needs to reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions from 51 billion tons to zero, but global emissions continue to increase...

Lyndsay and Lynda Jeffs
Jun 28, 20221 min read
Waiheke transport mode shifts - Just do it!
The Community Report (PDF below) on the climate emergency and transport on Waiheke Island calls for urgent and decisive action to address...

Cliff Mail
Jun 13, 20222 min read
Carbon Neutral Trust carbon offset funds help award winning Kerikeri project
Carbon offsets used to help community wildlife habitat restoration project.

Cliff Mail
Apr 6, 20221 min read
"It's now or never" - to keep warming below 1.5c
The last instalment of the IPCC trio of reports was released early Tuesday our time. In short, it is saying that the climate can no...

Cliff Mail
Oct 6, 20211 min read
Kerikeri's Christmas Parade with a twist
Our Kerikeri Community Charitable Trust was formed by a small group of passionate volunteers who are united by a goal of unlocking the...

Cliff Mail
Jan 28, 20213 min read
Time to talk about personal carbon budgets
You get the feeling that we are all hanging back waiting for the Government to come up with a cunning plan to meet its Paris emissions...

Cliff Mail
Nov 5, 20201 min read
A kiwi guide to climate change
Climate Change NZ has created a simple but effective guide to all aspects of climate change and mitigation, with the context being New...

By Cliff Mail
Oct 1, 20192 min read
Our first 12 months!
It is 12 months since we launched the Carbon Calculator. Those of you who have created a carbon record will receive an email around your...

By Cliff Mail
Jan 15, 20192 min read
Now that you know your emissions - start planning on how to reduce them
We have recently added a planning tool to our carbon calculator. You can access it from the first page of the calculator. Click the blue...
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