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Welcome to the Business Calculator

This calculator can be used in two modes:

  1. Anonymous mode: does not require a login - you can use most of the calculator features, but no data will be saved
    Click the  'Enter without Login' button

  2. User mode: If you have previously registered your email address, and want to retrieve your existing data and update it:  
    Click the Login button

    If this is your first visit to the calculator and you would like to save your data you will need to register before you can log in:
    Click the Register button

If you are not sure whether you have already registered, click Login and enter your email address- you will be asked to register if it is not recognised.

Note: If you choose anonymous mode there will be another opportunity to login and save the data you have entered when leaving the 'Totals' page. 


Carbon Neutral Trust is an organisation of volunteers who compile and update data from publicly available sources.  We make every effort to ensure accuracy with this but errors and or omissions may occur. Financial or other decisions should not be entirely based on data published on this website nor the results delivered by the carbon calculator.

Read Disclaimer
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