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Carbon Neutral Trust offsets help with Kerikeri community planting

Cliff Mail

Updated: Jul 28, 2021

Carbon Neutral NZ Trust carbon-offset receipts have helped Vision Kerikeri and Friends of the Wairoa stream fund their 2021 public planting of around 1,200 native plants of various species.

Around 25 volunteers were able to complete the planting in 2.5 hours and this brings the total planting along the Wairoa Stream and tributaries over the last eight years to 20,000 native plants.

This years plantings will ultimately provide a forest canopy over a new extension to the 4km of walkway which runs from near the Stone Store and will this year link to Hall Road. A number of the plants were used to infill last year's plantings which have been very successful and are thriving in their now weed free environment. The Friends of Wairoa Stream help the plants through their first challenging year by spreading mulch, watering during dry spells and keeping weed species under control.

Here is a selection of pictures taken yesterday.


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