Invest your money ethically: Mindful Money has done the research for you!
If you are looking at ways in which you can have an impact on driving sustainable business practices that will lead to better ethic outcomes for our environment, the climate and our overall well being, where your Kiwisaver or Investment funds are being invested is a good place to start.
Mindful Money, is an independent kiwi charity that aims to make money a force for good. They do this by providing those who desire to become ethical investors with objective information and research to compare their options.
If you visit their website they have made it easy for you to choose a Kiwisaver or retail investment fund that match your values. If you already have an investment and would like to check what is in it, they have a Fund Checker that will provide the information..
The website is very easy to use and the home page allows you to 'cut to chase' and get straight into finding a fund or checking your existing one.
Here at Carbon Neutral Trust we applaud this initiative.
A screenshot of the filter page of their fund finder:
